Author: Charl Nortje
Coping with COVID-19 and working from home
Throughout the last 45 days our mental resolve and patience has been tested like never before. The outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease and the resulting Lockdown has caused a considerable amount of stress, fear and anxiety among all of us, and working from home has proven to be rather difficult. That’s why we thought it…
The Bad Hire: An Expensive Mistake
Let’s consider a scenario. You’re responsible for hiring employees, perhaps you even run your own business. It’s time to find a new employee to take up an important role in your organisation, and you’re under a bit of pressure to do not only make the right choice, but also to also make it fairly quickly. No…
The dangers of “I didn’t know”
Have you ever heard the quote “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”? The person who said this, Thomas Edison, was no stranger to hard work. After all, he invented the light bulb, among other things. We tend to avoid anything that resembles work, and we often say…
Winning with the basics
Success can only be achieved with TALENT? Absolute rubbish. Stop worrying about talent and make success easy by winning with the Basics. Do you think you need talent to succeed? Only if you’re planning on becoming a professional golfer or an opera singer, and even so, talent is developed over time. Some things do require…
Self Leadership
“The first and best victory is to conquer self.” – Plato Easier said than done, Plato. You didn’t have the distractions that come with the 21st century. Many of us have been born into a culture of not thinking for ourselves. Why would we? There’s always someone or something to lead us. We have been led…
Congratulations to our superstar temp Venessa Kubheka, named TOP PERFORMER during an awards ceremony held at Cell C recently! Keep up the good work Venessa, you made APMC proud!
Attitude goes a long way
Attitude goes a long way, no matter how you look at it. Your attitude towards something determines how you approach a situation, how much effort you put in and generally how much you give a damn. This is especially true about the kind of work you do, and as a result, what you get out…
How Excessive Absenteeism will Ruin Your Career
Nobody cares about career advice. Not even free, good advice. Fact. We would much rather check our Facebook feed to look at other people’s stupid cats, than read an article giving us good advice. Why is that? Why do people never listen to good advice? I think there are three main reasons. Firstly, we are…
In honour of Worker’s Day: Career Advice from the Future
In honour of Worker’s Day, some good career advice. Could you imagine being young again and still having all of the knowledge you have now? Imagine all of the things you would do differently. Imagine all of the choices you made when you didn’t know any better… especially career decisions – wouldn’t it be great to…
Negativity makes you tired
Negativity is an easy emotion. A lazy emotion. If emotions were people, negativity would be taking a nap on the couch at ten in the morning. It takes absolutely no effort to simply dismiss everything as a problem. The alternative is just a hassle… Behaviour has too many consequences! Positivity requires Energy. Have you ever considered flipping…