
our blog

We believe in your growth so much that we want to contribute to it.

  • Attitude goes a long way

    Attitude goes a long way

    Attitude goes a long way, no matter how you look at it. Your attitude towards something determines how you approach a situation, how much effort you put in and generally how much you give a damn. This is especially true about the kind of work you do, and as a result, what you get out…

  • How Excessive Absenteeism will Ruin Your Career

    How Excessive Absenteeism will Ruin Your Career

    Nobody cares about career advice. Not even free, good advice. Fact. We would much rather  check our Facebook feed to look at other people’s stupid cats, than read an article giving us good advice. Why is that? Why do people never listen to good advice? I think there are three main reasons. Firstly, we are…

  • In honour of Worker’s Day: Career Advice from the Future

    In honour of Worker’s Day: Career Advice from the Future

    In honour of Worker’s Day, some good career advice. Could you imagine being young again and still having all of the knowledge you have now? Imagine all of the things you would do differently. Imagine all of the choices you made when you didn’t know any better… especially career decisions – wouldn’t it be great to…

  • Negativity makes you tired

    Negativity makes you tired

    Negativity is an easy emotion. A lazy emotion. If emotions were people, negativity would be taking a nap on the couch at ten in the morning. It takes absolutely no effort to simply dismiss everything as a problem. The alternative is just a hassle… Behaviour has too many consequences! Positivity requires Energy. Have you ever considered flipping…

  • How to Nail the Interview? Just cut the Crap.

    How to Nail the Interview? Just cut the Crap.

    Your suit is pressed and steamed, your shoes are shined to a mirror finish and you’ve picked the perfect tie, the blue one that just shouts ‘HIRE ME!’.  So far so good… What’s next? You Google interview tips and come across the same old tired tricks, buzzwords and robot answers that bore employers to death and…

  • Pressure is your Friend, not your Enemy.

    Pressure is your Friend, not your Enemy.

    Everyone’s been here before. It’s 3pm on a Monday and you’re in deadline hell. Three of your assignments need to be finalised by 5pm, and there’s absolutely no chance of getting another extension. Now what? Pressure, pressure, pressure. It’s all about giving it 120% these days, and there just never seems to be enough time…

  • Emotional Intelligence

    Emotional Intelligence

    You need the right attitude if you’re going to accomplish anything. That’s a fact we can all agree on. You might have heard the term Emotional Intelligence being used in the workplace, and like myself, you might have wondered what on earth that even means. If you really think about it for a minute, the term Emotional…

  • Forget Expectations – Set Goals.

    Forget Expectations – Set Goals.

    Many of us have great expectations for 2015. Some expect to progress in their career, others expect to become rich. Many people quite simply expect the world – which is nice if life was a fairy tale, but none of us should really expect anything from anyone. Expecting things to happen for you is a…

  • Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!

    2015 Is here, and that means everyone will be planning their new year’s resolutions… Let’s face it. New year’s resolutions are scary, because we’re all scared of responsibility. We’re scared of it because it means we’re in charge and we could easily mess it up. Setting goals for yourself isn’t as easy as sitting back…

  • Happy Holidays!

    Happy Holidays!

    We’re nearing the end of another year, and 2014 was an interesting one all across the spectrum. In the world of politics, we witnessed Russia’s annexure of the Crimean Pensula and the appointment of world leaders in high stakes elections. Our president built himself an impenetrable fortress with our hard earned bucks. Brazil suffered an…